Our Purpose

Child Development

When it comes to healthy child development, the type of toys children engage with is crucial. Toys that encourage unstructured, open-ended play are proven to ignite creativity, foster hands-on learning, encourage problem-solving skills, and promote human connection. 

The most engaging materials or toys are ones that allow children to immerse themselves in a world of endless possibilities which breeds free self-expression, and development of a unique perspective. Most importantly, children develop a love for learning because these toys often require the child to experiment, make mistakes, and try again. They develop resilience, perseverance, and a growth mindset through this process. They learn that failure is not something to fear but rather an opportunity to learn and improve.

Furthermore, open-ended play encourages children to take the lead in their playtime. They become the directors, writers, and actors of their own stories. This sense of autonomy boosts their self-confidence and enhances their decision-making abilities as they learn to make choices and interact with others.

In a world where technology dominates our daily lives, it is essential to strike a balance and provide children with opportunities for hands-on, imaginative play. If we can reduce screen time, help our kids to engage more fully and actively in their childhood, and fall in love with the learning process, we will lay a strong foundation for a lifetime of creativity and innovation. So, let's prioritize their development and offer them the chance to explore, create, connect, and use their imagination.

But don't just take it from us! Check out this recent conversation that MPR had with two experts in early childhood education who say:

"Unstructured play, the kind that children get up to on their own without a lot of adult guidance, turns out to be one of the best ways to learn. And, there is concern that this kind of open-ended play is on the decline with the rise of screen time and structured activities."


What is “Open-Ended Play?”

Open-ended play refers to activities without specific rules or instructions, and do not have a defined outcome or specific end goal. This type of play encourages children to use their imagination, make decisions, explore various possibilities and create narratives. Toys or activities that are open-ended provide endless possibilities which sparks imagination.

Why Open-Ended Play Matters

Open-ended play fosters creativity, problem-solving skills, and cognitive flexibility, unlike structured games or digital entertainment. This type of play can also improve speech and communication, promote social/emotional learning, and aid in achieving developmental milestones. 

Building Connections Through Play

Play is a powerful tool for building connections with peers and adults. When children engage in open-ended play, they learn to share ideas, negotiate roles, and collaborate towards common goals. This social interaction is crucial for developing communication skills and empathy.

Child psychologists and speech therapists have found that using open-ended play can enhance a child’s ability to communicate in more productive ways. Toys that create narratives are especially useful for aiding in speech and communication.

Playing with your child can enhance your relationship, providing opportunities for meaningful conversations and connection. It's a chance to see the world through their eyes and better understand their thoughts and feelings. 

Key Benefits of Open-Ended Play:

  1. Creativity and Imagination: When children are given toys that allow for open-ended play, such as building blocks, art supplies, or simple dolls, they can create their own scenarios and stories. This nurtures their creative thinking and ability to innovate.
  2. Hands-On Learning: Toys that require manipulation and interaction help develop fine motor skills. Activities like building, drawing, or assembling enhance hand-eye coordination and dexterity, which are crucial for tasks like writing and self-care.
  3. Human Connection: Open-ended play often involves collaboration and communication with others. Whether building a fort with friends or engaging in role-play, these activities promote social skills and emotional intelligence.
  4. Healthy Development: Engaging in play that stimulates creativity and physical interaction supports overall healthy child development. It encourages children to think critically, solve problems, and express themselves.

Incorporating Open-Ended Play into Daily Life

Integrating open-ended play into your child's daily routine doesn't have to be complicated or expensive. Here are some simple strategies to get started:

  1. Provide the Right Materials and Toys: Look for everyday household materials and toys that encourage creativity and can be used in multiple ways. Classic options include dress-up costumes combined with a cardboard box for scenery, blocks, art supplies, and natural materials like stones and sticks. 
  2. Create a Play-Friendly Environment: Designate a space in your home where your child can move and play freely without worrying about making a mess or (in the case of toddlers especially) injuring themselves. This could be a living room space, a dedicated playroom, or even an outdoor area. For a Montessori inspired environment, curation is important- paring down to the essential toys that are at your child’s level (but still challenging). 
  3. Encourage Exploration: Give your child the freedom to explore in unconventional ways. Resist the urge to direct their play or impose rules. Let them take the lead and see where their imagination takes them.
  4. Get Outside: One of the best ways for kids to learn about the world is to explore outside and see nature. There’s nothing more open-ended than nature! No matter what the weather is like, or where you live- try to get outside each day. You’ll be amazed what children can do with some dirt and a small shovel, chalk on the driveway or sidewalk, or a watering can.
  5. Join the Fun: Engage in play with your child. This not only strengthens your bond but also models positive play behavior. Ask open-ended questions and participate in their imaginative scenarios.

Incorporating toys that promote open-ended play into your child's life is a powerful way to keep them engaged and support their development. These toys encourage creativity, hands-on learning, and social interaction, all of which are essential for healthy growth. By prioritizing open-ended play, you can help your child develop crucial skills and foster a lifelong love of learning and exploration. So, the next time you're tempted to hand over a tablet, consider reaching for a toy that sparks your imagination instead.